Saturday, May 31, 2014

Women's Clinics

June 3 and 10

For the next two Tuesdays we'll be holding a women's clinic from 6-7pm. We'd love to see you out there, XX'ers! Whether you're an experienced player, or brand-new to sports and don't have the slightest idea of what a flick or a mark is, come check it out. Invite your friends, neighbors and co-workers! The Brattleboro disc scene has always had good female representation on the field, and we'd love to keep building those numbers.

Folks interested in checking out the clinic will be registering with Brattleboro Ultimate and pay the same field fee as regular players. So if you're inviting new players, make sure they have a check for $25 (or $50, if they're sticking with it!) when they come, and tell them about pre-registering online!

We owe thanks to USA Ultimate for helping to sponsor the clinics. Participants will need to fill out an evaluation form at the clinic so that USA Ultimate can get more data on how to promote the sport. A half a dozen discs, a few rule books and other goodies will be given to participants.

A regular Tuesday game will follow the clinic at 7pm -- i.e. mixed gender game with a focus on learning and skill building.